May 20, 2013
Design Your Own Revolution

May 20, 2013
April 4, 2013
We Built Excitement II by Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins Visually Sound, curated by Aaron Michael Skolnick, featuring Daphne Arthur, Johnston Foster, Dionisios Fragias, Nathan Ritterpusch, and Jimmy Joe Roche Adrift by Peter Haberkorn Interplanetary Kisses? by Katja Loher Thunder Perfect Mind, curated by Taylor Baldwin, featuring Tim Bearse, Matt Bollinger, Nicholas Des Cognets, Janelle Iglesias, Chris Mahonski, Ian Page, and Hannah Walsh Breeder’s Envy (Makrospondylitic Thoroughbred Skeleton Mount) by …
January 11, 2012
View article here:
Image: Soft Elephant (Privately Soft) by Jimenez Lai and Bureau Spectacular, Image taken by Magnus Lindqvist, GLINTstudios View full article here:
November 25, 2011
For Expanded Music Merchandise and to help out the Land of Tomorrow Gallery, visit our Kickstarter here or follow this link
November 2, 2011
Image taken from Here. Check out the full spread! Follow this link to Geneva Jacuzzi.
February 18, 2011
Will Tucker and Paul Simmons have been working ceaselessly transforming their installation since opening in January. Here, Tucker is demonstrating how he is making new works out of bee’s wax and rock. A rock is attached to a metal rod that spins with the use of a drill. Tucker pours bee’s wax over the spinning rock creating sculptural forms reminiscent of a sea urchin. The artist will give another …